Welcome to post 1! Listen to the audio clues and enter the name of that personality in the fields below. Once you have discovered the other 6 personalities, select the “End the quest!” from the menu and participate to the contest and win attractive prizes.
You are at the top of the Chamossaire mountain. To the north, you see Leysin and the Berneuse. In a straight line, behind the Berneuse, there is London, the hometown of a famous English rocker who loves Villars.
Who is he? Listen to the clues of Paul, the former Concierge of the Villars Palace hotel, and his granddaughter Anne:
Anne: Here we are at the top of Le Chamossaire. What a great view! I love it!
So, Grandpa, will you show me this famous Guestbook? I would like you to tell me another one of those incredible stories from the time when you were the concierge of the Palace…It must have been great to meet all those celebrities, right? I would have loved to be in your shoes.
Paul: Wait, wait, my little Anne… It’s not that simple! First of all, we are on mission… If the Guestbook is in my bag, it’s because it was entrusted to me by the new owners of the hotel. With very precise instructions: to find the washed away names of the famous people who wrote a nice dedication in it.
Do you see? The Guestbook is damaged, what a pity! It was left for a whole winter in one of the hotel’s storerooms under a leaky roof. And the bottom of the pages is in a very bad shape..
But never mind, you’re going to help me decipher the signatures, and I’ll tell you the stories, OK?
For example, here, you see, we are in the early seventies… The dedication is in English: “Nice to be back here in Villars” and it’s signed, oh dear, it’s unreadable! It looks like an M… Ah, it must be one of those English musicians… he was always accompanied by one of his sidekick guitarists… what was his name again? They had just arrived from France and Claude Nobs, the director of the Montreux Jazz Festival, had found them a chalet in Villars. His guitarist was Keith, I think. They had sports cars, but they never had snow tyres, you know!
Anne: Wait, let me see, Grandpa…. Phew, you can hardly read anything now… maybe it is an M, yes… Mick, maybe… Ohhh! Wait, I found it!!!!! Are you telling me that you served the Rolling Stones here in Villars? Are you serious? Come on, then we have the name of the British rocker, Grandpa!
©JRC /The Hollywood Archive
With the help of the audio recordings, guess to whom POST 1 is dedicated?
Listen to the story of The Quest of the Guestbook:
Continue the quest towards the 2nd POST. Go a bit further downhill, cross under the chairlift and continue on the western slope of the Chamossaire, towards Roc d’Orsay.